Upcoming Events
Patchwork Apartheid: Private Restriction, Racial Segregation, and Urban Inequality
Colin Gordon, University of Iowa
September 11
4pm - 5:30pm
Lesbian-Homoville, Colorado: Relocating the Origins of the Anti-Queer Movement
Jennifer Holland
September 19
1:00 - 2:30PM
The Contest for the Working Class: Organizing Rural Communities
George Goehl
September 25
4:00 - 5:30PM
About Us
Established in the Sociology Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1984, the Havens Wright Center for Social Justice is dedicated to promoting critical intellectual reflection and exchange, both within the academy as well as between it and the broader society. The Center is named in honor of the late Professors of Rural Sociology and Sociology, A. Eugene Havens and Erik Olin Wright, whose lives and work embodied the combination of progressive social and political commitment and scholarly rigor that the Center encourages.
From the Archive
Amahl Bishara on “Crossing a Line: Laws, Violence & Roadblocks to Palestinian Political Expression.”