Confronting the Sacred Cows of Food Politics
“If They Only Knew: The Unbearable Whiteness of Alternative Food”
Tuesday, October 14, 4 pm, 206 Ingraham Hall
“Are We All Neo-Liberal Now? Contemporary Food Politics and the Making of Consumer Subjects”
Wednesday, October 15, 4 pm, 8417 Social Sciences Building
Public Seminar
Thursday, October 16, 12:20 pm, 8108 Social Sciences Building
Co-sponsored by the UW Global Studies Program
The following readings have been suggested by Professor Guthman and are available upon request. Please send a note to and the readings will be sent to you electronically.
- Guthman, J. 2008 Neoliberalism and the making of food politics in California. Geoforum. 39 (3)
- Guthman, J. 2007 The Polanyian way? Voluntary food labels as neoliberal governance. Antipode 39 (3)
- Guthman, J. 2007 Can’t stomach it: How Michael Pollan et al. made me want to eat Cheetos. Gastronomica 7(2)
- Guthman, J. 2006 Embodying neoliberalism: economy, culture and the politics of fat, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 24(3) (Melanie DuPuis, co-author)
- Born, B. and Purcell, M. 2006 Avoiding the local trap: scale and food systems in planning research. Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 195-207.
JULIE GUTHMAN (Ph.D., Geography, University of California, Berkeley) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has written extensively on contemporary activist efforts to transform the way food is produced, distributed, and consumed. Her book, Agrarian Dreams: the Paradox of Organic Farming in California (University of California, 2004), won the 2007 Frederick H. Buttel Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement from the Rural Sociological Society.