Fighting Inequality, Poverty and the Concentration of Wealth: From ACORN to Occupy Wall Street”
Monday, April 23, 3pm, 354 Agriculture Hall
Co-sponsored by the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology
JOHN ATLAS is the author of Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN, America’s Most Controversial Anti – Poverty Community Organizing Group. In this talk he will look at ACORN and anti-poverty organizing since ACORN’s demise. For over 35 years, Atlas has been a public interest lawyer, activist, radio talk show host, and organizer. Holding a law degree from Boston University and a master of law from George Washington Law Center, he is an alumnus of Columbia University and recipient of the Charles Revson Fellowship. John is founder and board president of the New Jersey-based National Housing Institute/Shelterforce (NHI), a national think tank that promotes concrete strategies leading to affordable housing, urban revitalization, and a more robust and engaged civil society.