Gary Segura, Political Science, Stanford University

Dimensions of Disadvantage: News from the Front in both the Class and Culture Wars

“Social Class, Economic Policy Preferences, and Self-Interest: Competing Pathways to Class Inconsistent Partisanship and Voting”

Tuesday, April 9, 4pm, 206 Ingraham Hall

“What is a Latino? A Multifaceted Theory of Latino Identity and its Political Effects”

Wednesday, April 10, 4pm, 206 Ingraham Hall

Open Seminar for Students, Faculty and Public

Thursday, April 11, 12:20pm, 8108 Social Science

GARY SEGURA is Professor of American Politics and Chair of Chicano/a – Latino/a Studies at Stanford University, and principal and co-founder of the polling firm Latino Decisions™.  His work focuses on issues of political representation, and the politics to America’s growing Latino minority.  Among his most recent publications are “The Future is Ours:” Minority Politics, Political Behavior, and the Multiracial Era of American Politics, (Congressional Quarterly, 2011) and Latinos in the New Millennium: An Almanac of Opinion, Behavior, and Policy Preferences (Cambridge University Press, 2012).  Earlier work includes Latino Lives in America: Making It Home (2010, Temple University Press), “Su Casa Es Nuestra Casa: Latino Politics Research and the Development of American Political Science,” (2007), in the American Political Science Review, “Race and the Recall: Racial Polarization in the California Recall Election,” (2008) in the American Journal of Political Science, and “Hope, Tropes, and Dopes: Hispanic and White Racial Animus in the 2008 Election,” (2010) in Presidential Studies Quarterly.  Segura is one of three Principal Investigators of the 2012 American National Election Studies, is a past-President of the Midwest Political Science Association and the president-elect of the Western Political Science Association.  In 2010, he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.