40 Years After the Chilean Coup
“Indigenous Rights, Democracy, and the Struggle for Recognition of the Mapuche People in Chile”
Thursday, Oct 3, 12 noon, Landmark Room, 3rd Fl., Union South
Co-sponsored by Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies Program, the Mellon Workshop in New Media and Popular Culture in the Global South, the Department of Comparative Literature and and Folklore, and the Global Legal Studies Center.
PEDRO CAYUQUEO has devoted his life to creating a window to the culture and struggle of the Mapuche people. He is the founding editor of Azkintuwe, a mapuche newspaper and new media experiment, which circulates online and in print in both Chile and Argentina. Most recently, he provided international coverage and analysis of the 2010-2011 hunger strikes and building occupations that, in July 2013, led a former top-ranking UN official to publicly condemn the Chilean government for treating the Mapuche as terrorists under the law. He is the 2013 recipient of the Chavkin Award for Integrity in Journalism in Latin America, sponsored by New York University. His book, Solo por ser indios, deals with indigenous rights, multiculturalism, and the quality of democratic systems in Latin America. His memoir is forthcoming from Random House Publishing.