Ilya Matveev, Natalia Savelyeva & Oleg Zhuravlev

Nationalism, Imperialism & New Cleavages in Russia: Russian Scholars Analyze the Meaning & Consequences of the Invasion of Ukraine

Wednesday, June 29, 12:00 noon (US Central time)
Online via Zoom

This event was presented in collaboration with the Center for Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA). 

Smiling man with eyeglasses.Ilya Matveev is a political scientist focusing on the Russian political economy. His academic work has appeared in Europe-Asia Studies, East European Politics, Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, Socialist Register, South Atlantic Quarterly and other journals. He is a member of the editorial collective of Posle.Media, a new bi-lingual Russian-English anti-war platform, and a co-host of the Political Diary, a Russian-language podcast on politics.


Natalia Savelyeva is a Resident Fellow at the Future Russia Initiative with the Democratic Resilience Program at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). She is a sociologist who has been working as a researcher with the Public Sociology Laboratory of the Center for Independent Social Research in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her current scholarship explores multiple themes, including the violent conflict that began in Ukraine in 2014. Natalia is a co-author of the collective monograph Politics of Apoliticals (2015, Russian), and her articles have been published in several academic journals, such as Osteuropa & the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society.


Oleg Zhuravlev is a sociologist. He is a researcher with Public Sociology Laboratory, Center for Independent Social Research (Russia). He received his PhD in Social Sciences from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). His research is focused on social movements, the sociology of knowledge, Marxism, pragmatic sociology. He also is a part of the Russian Socialist Movement.



Books referenced by the panelists:

The Red Mirror: Putin’s Leadership and Russia’s Insecure Identity by Gulnaz Sharafutdinova
Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation by Alexei Yurchak
The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia by Masha Gessen

Due to COVID-19 all Havens Wright Center events were hosted online via Zoom.