International Development, Global Migration, and the Rise of Economic Imperialism

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Sewell Social Science, Room 8108 and online via Zoom
@ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

This event was presented in collaboration with the Department of Geography, and the Institute for Regional and International Studies National Resource Center (IRIS NRC) at UW-Madison.

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IRIS NRC International Book Club: Migration as Economic Imperialism with Immanuel Ness
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 – 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Register for the online discussion for the opportunity to hear from Dr. Ness on his new book, Migration As Economic Imperialism. The book exposes the damaging political, economic and social effects of migration on origin countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and how border and security mechanisms control and marginalize low-wage migrant workers.