Massiveness and Transversality: Reimagining Political Articulation

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Online via Zoom
@ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

This event was presented in collaboration with the Latin American, Caribbean & Iberian Studies (LACIS) Program at UW-Madison.

In the last few years, the feminist movement has taken to the streets to intervene and channel anti-neoliberal protests, popular and Indigenous uprisings and strikes, as well as impregnated parliamentary candidacies and constituent reforms. March 8 was re-established as a global date of demonstrations, recovering memories and genealogies, but above all, opening a common plane, a collective perception of a political movement. It launched a political process that is transnational and that put the issue of violence and reproductive labor in the center of the movement. Since then, from different geographies, we have been nourishing a process that has become increasingly complex over time, a process that requires sustaining transversal coordination each time, and that marks a decisive event in the history of the recent cycle of mass feminism at different scales.

Verónica Gago teaches political science at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and is Professor of Sociology at the Instituto de Altos Estudios, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM). As a researcher at the National Council of Research (CONICET), she is also part of GIIF (Group for Feminist Research and Intervention). Gago is the author of Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies (Duke University Press, 2017), Feminist International (Verso 2020), is co-author of A Feminist Reading of Debt with Luci Cavallero (Pluto Press 2021), and has published numerous articles in journals and books throughout Latin America, Europe, and the United States. She is now the Andres Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations at New York University.