Joel Andreas, Sociology, Johns Hopkins University

Revolution, Reform & Class Transformation in China

“Rise of the Red Engineers: The Origins of China’s Technocratic Class”

Tuesday, April 13, 4pm, 206 Ingraham

“Dismantling Participatory Paternalism in Chinese Factories”

Wednesday, April 14, 4pm, 8417 Social Science

Open Seminar for Students, Faculty and Public

Thursday, April 15, 12:20 pm, 8108 Social Science

Co-sponsored by the Global Studies Program

JOEL ANDREAS is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University, where studies political contention and social change in contemporary China. His recent book, Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China’s New Class (2009), analyzes the contentious process through which old and new elites coalesced during the decades following the 1949 Communist Revolution. He is currently investigating changing relations between managers and workers in Chinese factories between 1949 and the present.

Andreas, Joel. (2007) “The Structure of Charismatic Mobilization: A Case Study of Rebellion During the Chinese Cultural Revolution” American Sociological Review, Vol 72, pp. 434-458.pdf
Andreas, Joel. Excerpts from The Rise of the Red Engineers. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009.pdf
Andreas, Joel. “Workers’ participation and membership rights: Lessons from China” Working Paper.