Kanishka Goonewardena, Geography, University of Toronto

Whither Urban Theory?

“Urban Studies, Critical Theory, Radical Politics”

Tuesday, April 27, 4pm, 206 Ingraham

“The Right to the City”

Wednesday, April 28, 4pm, 8417 Social Science

Open Seminar for Students, Faculty and Public

Thursday, April 29, 12:20 pm, 8108 Social Science

KANISHKA GOONEWARDENA was trained as an architect in Sri Lanka and now teaches urban design and critical theory at the University of Toronto. He co-edited Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre (New York: Routledge, 2008) and is working on a book on the late capitalist appropriations of critical theory by urban studies entitled The Future of Planning at the End of History. The broad counters of his research–published in journals such as Antipode, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Planning Theory, Radical History Review–are marked by the making of cities, the modes of imperialism and the production of ideology.

Goonewardena, K. (2009) “Urban Studies, Critical Theory, Radical Politics” CITY, 13(2/3), pp.208-218..pdf
Harvey, David. ‘The Right to the City’, New Left Review, 53 23-40.pdf
Marcuse, Peter. (2009) “From Critical Urban Theory to the Right to the City”, CITY, 13(2/3), pp.185-197.pdf