“Neural Politics: Cognitive and Material Power”
Monday, March 24, 7pm, Class of 1924 Reception Room (4th floor), UW Memorial Union
Co-sponsored by the Forward Institute and the Wisconsin Freedom Campaign (Wisconsin Grassroots Network, MTEA, MTI, Institute for Wisconsin’s Future, United Wisconsin, Midwest Environmental Advocates, The Progressive Magazine, and Wisconsin Democracy Campaign)
GEORGE LAKOFF is Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley, where he has taught since 1972. He previously taught at Harvard and the University of Michigan, and was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. He spent over a decade as senior fellow at the Rockridge Institute, a nonpartisan think tank in Berkeley, Calif. Professor Lakoff is a founder of the fields of Cognitive Science and Cognitive Linguistics. He has published hundreds of technical articles, as well as books on Linguistics, Politics, Psychology, Poetics, Philosophy, and Mathematics. He specializes in the study of the mind and language, and has published the following books in that area: Metaphors We Live By (with Mark Johnson); Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things; More than Cool Reason (with Mark Turner); Philosophy in the Flesh (with Mark Johnson); and Where Mathematics Comes From (with Rafael Núñez). He is also the country’s leading expert on the framing of political discourse. His books on politics include the best selling Don’t Think of an Elephant!; The Political Mind; Moral Politics; Thinking Points; and Whose Freedom? His current technical research is on the theory of how the neural circuitry of the brain gives rise to thought and language.