Eleni Varikas, Université Paris 8/Saint-Denis

“‘An Endless Series of Catastrophes’ Hannah Arendt, Rosa Luxemburg & the Question of Plurality”

Wednesday, March 26, 4pm, 8417 Social Science

Co-sponsored by the Harvey Goldberg Center

A woman smiles directly into the camera. Her auburn hair is worn in a bob with a heavy bang. She wears a deep pink sweater, and a light pink scarf featuring a pattern in red, coral, and purple tones, is draped over her shoulders. A black lace blouse can be glimpsed peeking out from the sweater's neck. Behind her, a bookshelf filled with books can be seen.ELENI VARIKAS is professor emerita of political theory and gender studies at the Université Paris 8/Saint-Denis and researcher at the Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris Cresppa (CNRS). She has lectured in several universities in Europe, the US and Brazil. Her articles and books on intellectual history, feminist theory, and the figure of the pariah have been published in several languages. Her recent publications include Les Femmes de Platon à Derrida; Sous les Sciences Sociales le Genre: Relectures Critiques de Max Weber à Bruno Latour; “Genre, Modernités et ‘Colonialité’ du Pouvoir,” Cahiers du Genre, n° 50 (2010); Les Rebuts du Monde. Figures du Paria; and Penser le Sexe et le Genre.