The Path to Peace in Israel and Palestine
“The Path to Peace in Israel and Palestine: a Jewish American’s Journey”
Monday, May 5, 7pm, Pyle Center
Co-sponsored by Edgewood College-School of Integrative Studies, The Havens Center and Bright Stars of Bethlehem.
MARK BRAVERMAN is the author of Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews, and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land, which traces his journey as a Jew struggling with the difficult realities of modern Israel, and A wall in Jerusalem: Hope, healing, and the struggle for peace in Israel and Palestine. His writings, blog, and sermons can be found at Braverman is a cofounder of Friends of Tent of Nations North America, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting Palestinian land rights in historic Palestine. He serves on the advisory board of Friends of Sabeel North America and has consulted to the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church USA and to the Palestine Israel Network of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship.