Wednesday, February 25, 7pm
Union South Marquee Theatre (1308 W. Dayton, Madison, WI)
The story of a group of young friends, African American lesbians from Newark who are out one hot August night in New York’s Greenwich Village. After a lifetime demanding self-defense, one night they fought back and paid a heavy price. It is a timely story that explores the intersection of race, criminal justice, and women’s and LGBTQ rights.
A post-screening discussion will be led by M Adams, Young, Gifted and Black Coalition.
Co-sponsored by Young, Gifted and Black Coalition and Madison Urban Ministry.
SOCIAL CINEMA: STORIES OF STRUGGLE & CHANGE explores important contemporary social topics from critical perspectives. Each screening is followed by a discussion of the issues explored in the film.
Social Cinema 2015 is made possible in part by support from the Morgridge Center and Edgewood College’s COR Program. The series is organized by the Havens Center in collaboration with the Wisconsin Union Directorate Film Committee and is free and open to all. For more information on the full series, go to