Max Rameau, Take Back the Land

Turning a Moment into a Movement

How Social Movements Change Society

Tuesday, October 27, 4pm, 206 Ingraham Hall

Black Community Control Over the Police

Wednesday, October 28, 7pm, Elvehjem L160, 800 University ave.

Organizing Workshop

Thursday, October 29, 7pm, UW South Madison Partnership, 2312 South Park Street

Co-sponsored by the Institute for Regional and International Studies

A man with close-cropped dark hair holds a microphone and appears to be speaking. He wears a black t-shirt with a graphic in black-and-white of indigenous Americans with the title "Homeland Security". The man has a short dark mustache and beard. He stands elevated above the viewer and gazes outward. Behind him, a wood structure of some kind can be seen along with blue sky and clouds.MAX RAMEAU is a Haitian born pan-African theorist, campaign strategist, organizer and author. He is co-founder of Take Back the Land, an organization dedicated to addressing issues of land, self-determination and homelessness in the black community. Rameau is the author of Take Back the Land, which recounts the experiences and political theory behind the Umoja village in the Liberty City section of Miami. Since 2013, he has been building the Center for Pan-African Development, a pan-African think tank, and the Positive Action Center, which provides movement theory, support and training to organizations engaged in anti-police brutality campaigns and the emerging demand of black community control over the police.