Hector Aristizábal, ImaginAction Theater Inc.

Theater as a Laboratory for Social Transformation & Healing

Theater as a Rehearsal for Social Transformation

Tuesday, April 5, 4pm, 206 Ingraham Hall

Theater as Ritual, or the Place Where Humanity Heals

Wednesday, April 6, 4pm, Multicultural Student Center Lounge, 2nd floor Red Gym

Performances: “Nightwind” and “The Sankofa Experience: Our Journey, Our Future, Our Cause”

Saturday, April 9, 7pm, Memorial High School Auditorium, 201 S. Gammon Rd.

Co-sponsored by the Anonymous Fund, the Arts Institute, the Center for the Humanities, the Office of Multicultural Arts Initiatives, and Institute for Regional and International Studies.

A man with short, curly dark hair, looks intently to his right. He wears a black t-shirt. His right hand has been drawn up to his chest where it rests.HECTOR ARISTIZÁBAL is the Founder and Artistic Co-Director of ImaginAction Theater Inc., a non-profit theatre arts organization based in Los Angeles, California. The work of ImaginAction Theater has been influenced by Theatre of the Oppressed, Playback Theatre, Theatre of Witness, Psychodrama, traditional storytelling, mask-making, drumming, dance and creative ritual. Through experiential workshops, theater performances and other creative events, ImaginAction invites participants to explore embodied knowledge, challenge the inevitability of violence, and use their imaginations for a more just and joyous life for all people. In Southern California, they partner with community organizations for ongoing projects with youth and their families impacted by social injustice. They have also taken their unique blend of theatre arts throughout North America and beyond, to Afghanistan, Colombia, India, Palestine, Northern Ireland, Guatemala, China, England, Italy, Spain, Euskadi, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Austria, Georgia, Croatia, and the Netherlands, among other countries.