Satnam Virdee, Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow

Race, Class and the Making of Postcolonial Britain

Workshop on Racism, Capitalism and the Struggle to be Human

Thursday, October 13, 6pm, Offices of Freedom Inc., 1810 Park Street

Racial Formation and the Crisis of Welfare Capitalism

Monday, October 17, 4pm, 8417 Social Science

Antiracism and Stretching the Language and Politics of Class

Tuesday, October 18, 4pm, 3401 Sterling Hall

Co-sponsored by Freedom Inc. 

A man with short dark hair, peppered with gray at the temples, stares into the camera. He wears black acetate eyeglasses with rectangular lenses. He wears a blue-and-white gingham button-down shirt, a navy sweater, and a dark gray blazer. His arms appear to be crossed, though largely out of frame. He stands outside. Behind him, one can see light green ferns, orange flora, and red leaves that suggest autumn.SATNAM VIRDEE is Professor of Sociology at the University of Glasgow and founding Director of the Centre for Research on Racism, Ethnicity and Nationalism (CRREN). He is a historical and political sociologist with research interests in racism, class and historical capitalism. He is the author and co-author of 5 books, including most recently Racism, Class and the Racialized Outsider (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). He will publish a co-authored volume in 2017 (with Stephen Ashe and Laurence Brown) entitled: Britain’s Civil Rights Movement: Black Activism and the Mobilization of Changing Ethnic Identities and a co-edited collection (with Brendan McGeever) entitled Socialism and Antisemitism, 1880-1917.