Natalie Masuoka, Political Science, Tufts University

Shifting Racial Politics in the 21st Century: How Policy Has Created New Racial Fault Lines

From Assignment to Identification: Mixed Race Identities in American Politics

Wednesday, March 8, 4pm, 6191 Helen C. White

Politics of Belonging: American Opinion on Immigration

Thursday, March 9, 4pm, 3401 Sterling Hall

Open Seminar for Students, Faculty and Public

Friday, March 10, 12 noon, 336 Ingraham

Co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science

NATALIE MASUOKA is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Asian American Studies at Tufts. Her research specializes in the area of American racial and ethnic politics with a focus on political behavior, public opinion and political psychology. Her work pays attention to the ways in which race, immigration and identity influence political attitude formation among racial minorities, in particular those new immigrant groups, Asian Americans and Latinos. She is the author, with Jane Junn, of The Politics of Belonging: Race, Public, the winner of the 2014 Ralph Bunche Award by the American Political Science Association.  Her forthcoming book Multiracial Identification and Racial Politics in the United States studies the political consequences of the “two or more races” population, or those who self-identify as mixed race or multiracial.