Victor Quintana, Secretary of Social Development, Chihuahua, Mexico

Resistance & Transformation: Social Movements in Mexico

Painting of zapatistas

“Three Decades of Resistance: Peasants Organizing against Neoliberalism in Mexico”
Tuesday, October 9, 4pm, 6191 Helen C. White

“López Obrador’s Election: Lessons from the Mexican Left”
Wednesday, October 10, 12 noon, Madison Labor Temple, Room 209, 1602 S. Park St.

“Violence, Social Movements, & Displacement: The Case of Chihuahua, Mexico”
Wednesday, October 10, 5:30pm, Centro Hispano, 810 W. Badger Rd.

Photo of victor quintanaDr. Victor M. Quintana Silveyra is the Secretary of Social Development of the Mexican State of Chihuahua. For over four decades, Dr. Quintana has been an influential social critic, scholar-activist, organizer, and advocate for labor, farm workers and rural communities in Mexico. Dr. Quintana is the leader and advisor of the Democratic Peasant Front of Chihuahua and Equipo Pueblo. He also co-founded “El Campo No Aguanta Más,” a social movement of peasants and small farmers organizing against neoliberal trade policies. He has published several books and articles on NAFTA and social movements, and is a frequent commentator on radio and television, as well as a regular columnist for La Jornada.