Wednesday, March 1, 6:30 PM
Marquee Cinema, Union South
Film screening will begin at 6:30 PM with discussion to follow.
A Decent Home is a feature length documentary film by Sara Terry that addresses urgent issues of class and economic inequity through the lives of mobile home park residents who can’t afford housing anywhere else.
Post-screening discussion facilitators:
Revel Sims is Assistant Professor in the Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture and Chican@ and Latin@ Studies Program at UW–Madison. He focuses on the dynamics of urban change and the shared roles of property owners, financial institutions, and the state.
Olivia Williams is Executive Director of the Madison Area Community Land Trust. Olivia has been involved with MACLT since 2019, first as a board member, then as a Coordinator, and became Executive Director in 2020. Olivia has conducted research on Community Land Trusts (CLTs) since 2014, and has written a variety of articles, reports, and book chapters on community land ownership strategies. She is involved in housing policy advocacy through the Statewide Affordable Housing Action Network and Wisconsin Shared Equity Housing Network, and is on Dane County Housing Initiative’s Housing Advisory Committee.