Jon Shelton, Democracy and Justice Studies, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

“Against the Public”: Teachers, Unions, and the Decline of Labor-Liberalism in the 1970s

Teacher Strikes, the Public Interest, and the Neoliberal Turn of the 1970s

Tuesday, October 14, 4pm, 206 Ingraham Hall

“Compulsory Unionism” in the Public Sector: Free Market Activism and the Eclipse of Labor-Liberalism

Wednesday, October 15, 4pm, 8417 Social Science

Open Seminar for Students, Faculty and Public

Thursday, October 16, 12:20 pm, 8108 Social Science

Co-sponsored by Global Studies

A man with short red hair, mustache, and beard stands before a dark gray backdrop. He is smiling softly, and he wears a button-down shirt featuring blue and white pinstripes.JON SHELTON is Assistant Professor of Democracy and Justice Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, where he teaches courses on modern American history, labor history, and the history of education. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2013, and his dissertation—Against the Public: Teacher Strikes and the Decline of Liberalism, 1968-81—recently won the Labor and Working Class History Association’s 2013 Herbert Gutman Award for Outstanding Dissertation.