Paul Ortiz, Oral History, University of Florida

“A New Origin Narrative”: African American and Latina/o Histories in an Age of Neoliberal Crisis

The Mexican War of Independence and US History: Tearing Down American Exceptionalism and Moving Forward in the 21st Century

Tuesday, November 15, 4pm, 3401 Sterling Hall

“Killed Helping Workers to Organize”: African American and Latina/o Narratives in the Century of Jim Crow/Juan Crow

Wednesday, November 16, 4pm, 3401 Sterling Hall

Open Seminar for Students, Faculty and Public

Thursday, November 17, 12:20pm, 8108 Social Science

Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities

A man looks into the camera, caught as if mid-sentence. His long black hair, graying at the temples, is brushed back from his face and worn in a low ponytail. His goatee is peppered with white. He wears metallic eyeglasses with rectangular frames, a white button-down shirt, and black blazer with a pin on his left lapel. He is seated before a wall where two framed pieces of artwork are largely out of frame, along with a map of some kind that has been pinned to the wall.PAUL ORTIZ is Associate Professor of History and the Director of the award-winning Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida. His publications include the Emancipation Betrayed, a history of the Black Freedom struggle in Florida, and the co-edited volume, Remembering Jim Crow: African Americans Tell About Life in the Jim Crow South, which recently went into its 4th printing. His forthcoming monograph is titled: Our Separate Struggles Are Really One: African American and Latino Histories. He is also co-author (with William H. Chafe) of the forthcoming book, Behind the Veil: African Americans in the Age of Segregation, 1895-1965.